Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Pro-Life" Negligence and My Confrontation with the American Right to Life

This is something that I've been meaning to write about for a LOOONG time now as it is about an issue that is near and dear to my heart: abortion. This blog post will have two parts, the first of which I have been thinking about for a while, and the second part is something that has come up in the last few days.

First, I want to talk about the negligence and the hypocrisy of many people who call themselves "pro-life", a title that I am proud to carry myself. It seems that there are so many people that refer to themselves as "pro-life", but are they really?

Take the church group that I was a part of in high school for example. For the most part, St. Ann's Life Teen was an excellent group that I grew to love and be extremely involved in, but it had it's share of hypocrisy as well. I can recall a retreat that I went on where a priest was giving a talk and said something to the effect of "It's a sin to vote for John Kerry because he is pro-choice." Everyone applauded. His reasoning being that George W. Bush was "pro-life" and if you voted against him than you hated babies or something. That's right, the same George W. Bush that thinks it is okay to kill thousands of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, execute people, torture people, destroy families by imprisoning victims of the Drug War, hold people indefinitely in secret prisons without charging them with anything, etc., etc. THIS is the "pro-life" candidate that we must all vote for, lest we be committing a sin. I'm not saying that John Kerry would've been any better, but you cannot call W. "pro-life".

In summary, it seems the "pro-life" movement is only interested in saving certain lives, not all lives. That does not seem very pro-life to me.

Second, I want to discuss my run-in with the group called the American Right to Life (ARL). This group has a website called in which they rank politicians in terms of how good a defender of life they are (of course this is only concerned with the unborn). They got my attention for ranking Dr. Ron Paul as being pro-abortion, showing complete ignorance of the man, the Constitution, and perhaps most importantly, libertarianism in general. His "pro-life profile" can be found here (prepare to get furious). I won't go into the details as you can read them for yourselves, but I do want to point out a few of the craziest comments on his page:

1)Against Conservative Christian Policies: Libertarian Ron Paul campaigns as a Republican and many think he advocates conservative Christian policies, but Paul is a member of and remains on good terms with the Libertarian Party and he spoke at its 2004 national convention,12 13 14 15 16 and the Libertarian Party platform opposes traditional Judeo-Christian public policy.

All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

2)Libertarian Humanism Omits God: Ron Paul's Libertarian Party is based on a humanist rather than on a Judeo-Christian worldview and thus has misguided notions of governance and no compass for righteousness in law and so it does not know18 what The Declaration of Independence states, the fundamental truth that even a deist like Thomas Jefferson19 acknowledged, that people, "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights [and] that among these are Life..."20


3)Paul Used by his Christian Supporters: The more truth a person knows, the more God holds him accountable for betraying it. As Jesus Christ said, "that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not... do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few" (Luke 12:47-48a). A New Testament epistle adds, "to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17). Ron Paul's pro-life supporters are using him for political sport against liberals and they seem to care nothing about his soul, for if they cared about Ron as a person, they would warn him that God says, "Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don't stand back and let them die" (Proverbs 24:11, NLT). For the Lord also said about those who have greater understanding, including Ron Paul, "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required" (Luke 12:48b).

"Ron Paul's pro-life supporters are using him for political sport against liberals and they seem to care nothing about his soul..." WHAT?!?! That is one of the most pompous statements I have EVER heard!

4)Ignored His Own Policies to Regulate State Abortion Procedures: Ron Paul refuses to acknowledge that the federal government has the authority from God and even from the U.S. Constitution to compel the states to enforce equal protection under the law to prevent the de-criminalization of the murder of the innocent.

The federal government has the what now? I'm sorry, I must've read that incorrectly. They have they authority FROM GOD?!?!?! This has to be a joke right? Isn't that what emperors and kings claimed back in the day? That God gave them the right to rule?!?!

Needless to say I NEEDED to e-mail these people and tell them how flat-out ignorant they are. So here is the e-mail I sent them:

I read your article and your profile on Dr. Ron Paul and the ignorance I found was shocking, appalling, and just flat out infuriating. It is this kind of divisiveness that is created by these national pro-life movements that amount to nothing.

What has every national pro-life movement amounted to since the Roe v. Wade decision? Yes, you have had marches. Yes, you have had your protests. But you have done nothing to save the millions of lives being aborted. You have elected your "pro-life" candidates to office and what have they done? Nothing in regards to abortion and plenty in killing other innocent people through war, drug prohibition, etc. It seems that the pro-life movement these days seems to forget that there are other people dying in the world, not just the unborn.

I applaud the efforts of local organizations that counsel pregnant women and get them to consider other options, such as adoption. I have a relative that has devoted her life to this cause and she is a great inspiration to me. She is accomplishing so much with limited resources. This is how the fight for life will be won, on a person-to-person basis, not on vesting more power in the state. Your unquestioning allegiance to the all-knowing, all-powerful entity known as the state is scary.

What is even scarier is that you dare to call Dr. Ron Paul (an OB-GYN who has delivered over 4,000 babies, never performed an abortion, and counseled women OUT of getting an abortion) pro-choice when he is anything but! If you had taken the time to read his book "The Revolution: A Manifesto", you would have heard the story of when he was in medical school and he had to witness an abortion. He writes the following:
"One day I walked into an operating room without knowing what I was walking into, and the doctors were in the middle of performing a C-section. It was actually an abortion by hysterotomy. The woman was probably six months along in her pregnancy, and the child she was carrying weighed over two pounds. A that time [mid 1960s] doctors were not especially sophisticated, for lack of a better term, when it came to killing the baby prior to delivery, so they went ahead with delivery and put the baby in a bucket in the corner of the room. The baby tried to breathe, and tried to cry, and everyone in the room pretended the baby wasn't there. I was deeply shaken by the experience, and it hit me at that moment just how important the life issue was." (pg. 58-59)

Dr. Paul goes on to describe the quickest and most effective way to end abortion (Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution). This way requires only a simple majority of Congress to overturn Roe v. Wade. However, he acknowledges that this will give power over how to deal with abortion back to the states (where it legally belongs, after all that is where murder is dealt with). What Dr. Paul argues be done is, very simply, the most Christian answer:
"Ultimately, law or no law, it is going to be up to us as parent, as clergy, and as citizens - in the way we raise our children, how we interact and talk with our friends and neighbors, and the good example we give - to bring about changes to our culture toward greater respect for life." (pg. 61)

This bickering and finger pointing gets us nowhere. Stop blaming people that they aren't "pro-life enough" and start doing some real good. Start with yourself. Always promote a culture of life through your example, not with the barrel of a gun from a third-party (the state), and start to promote a culture of life in your community. It must begin with you, your family, and your community. From there it will spread. It will only create more hate and more death if you wish to use the coercion of the state at your disposal, because, even if with good intentions, it is still coercion.

This is the response that they sent to me:

We are so thankful that you wrote to us and as you know, there is a $100 reward at website. Please let us know if you find any errors in Ron Paul's profile.

Paul Used by his Christian Supporters: The more truth a person knows, the more God holds him accountable for betraying it. As Jesus Christ said, "that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not... do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few" (Luke 12:47-48a). A New Testament epistle adds, "to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17). Ron Paul's pro-life supporters are using him for political sport against liberals and they seem to care nothing about his soul, for if they cared about Ron as a person, they would warn him that God says, "Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don't stand back and let them die" (Proverbs 24:11, NLT). For the Lord also said about those who have greater understanding, including Ron Paul, "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required" (Luke 12:48b).

Paul Condemned by his Own Words: Who is worse? King David, or Abimelech, for commiting adultery? Who is worse, the atheist apathetic over the killing of Jews or the pastor? Who had the greater sin, the pagan Pontius Pilate or the religious leader who delivered Christ to be judged (John 19:10-11)? When a politician acknowledges that the baby in the womb is, in truth, a human person who should have legal rights, and he compares the abortion issue to the murder of an infant, he condemns himself when he finds ways to tolerate child killing. For Ron Paul said, "I see the fetus as a human being that has legal rights… I deal with the abortion issue like I deal with all acts of violence... Our homes are our castles [but we don't] have the right to murder our children… So, it's very hard intellectually to distinguish between the killing of an infant a minute before birth, and a minute afterwards." 22 This makes Paul more guilty, not less. Because he acknowledges the truth that a child is a person with rights, he is far more guilty than the typical pro-abort for devising arguments to "legitimize" systematic child killing for any claim or in any venue.

Summary: Ron Paul's legacy is apparent. When politicians run for mayor and they are asked about children being dismembered in the womb they reply that abortion is not a matter of city statute. When politicians run for governor they say abortion is a federal issue. When they run for president they say abortion is a state issue. They pass the buck. In cowardice (Rev. 21:8). Ron Paul style. Paul is teaching a generation of politicians how to pass the buck regarding human rights and the slaughter of the innocent. We urge Dr. Ron Paul to follow the Great Physician in recognizing that process does not trump principle and certainly cannot justify tolerance of the intentional slaughter of innocent children in the States.

Paul's Sanctity of Life Act Elevates State's Rights Over Personhood: "...the Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review...any statute...on the grounds that such statute...regulates...the performance of abortions..."27 Therefore, if a state declared that if a minor girl first gets her parent's signature, then she can kill her baby, under this act the Supreme Court would not have the authority to even review that state's law, let alone overturn it.

Oppose Regulations Because...

American Right To Life urges you to oppose every law that regulates the killing of unborn children including waiting periods, offers of anesthesia, and informed consent. Regardless of the intention, these laws backfire for many practical and moral reasons. For such regulations:

- make abortion seem more acceptable to the public and politicians, and so they
- merely prune the abortion weed and strengthen its root, while even
- on the surface such regulations undermine the very concept of the right to life, and
- call upon our own judges to uphold laws that regulate killing the innocent, and thus
- turn conservative judges increasingly against the personhood of the unborn, and
- help elect pro-aborts who support regulations to deceive pro-life voters, and they
- are just variations on Roe v. Wade which itself regulated abortion, and these laws
- could easily authorize a hundred million abortions after Roe is overturned, for they
- will keep abortion 'legal' if abortion is wickedly 'returned to the states,' for they
- reduce the God-given right to life to a second-tier negotiable matter, and they
- confuse many on our own side into defending various 'exceptions' as good, as they
- violate God's enduring command, Do not murder by re-authorizing abortion, so they
- "do evil that good may come," ignoring the scriptural warning at Romans 3:8, and
- are like the PBA ban which Dr. Dobson said, "does not save a single human life," and
- can never ever end the murder of unborn children because they
- end with the meaning, "and then you can kill the baby."

Then I e-mailed them this short little response earlier today:

I guess it just comes down to the fact that we appear to have a fundamental disagreement about the role of government. You believe that it is okay for the government to order people around and I think that there is a much better, more peaceful way to accomplish an end to abortion. Dr. Walter Block essentially says that people have the right to not want a child, but if they don't, then it is their duty to pass off responsibility of their child in the most peaceful way possible. So I propose that we don't fight to get another law passed, but to make the entire abortion issue obsolete. Also, outlawing abortion will NOT mean that abortion will end. We must change the way that people think and make abortion non-existent.

Also, here is a great article that was on that drew my attention to this craziness.

Yours in Peace and Liberty,
