Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why Obama Winning a Nobel Peace Prize Is Bad for Everyone

Well, it happened. Hell has frozen over. I woke up Friday morning and wondered to myself what Will Ferrell said in the movie Zoolander, "I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!" I mean, has the whole world gone nuts?!?!

Okay, people have been blogging about this nonstop, but they all seem to be missing something HUGE that affects the whole world.

Peace, unfortunately, seems to be very partisan. The left (at least in the past few years) have traditionally been the spokesmen (and spokeswomen) for peace. With Obama's campaign rhetoric, it seemed like there might be an end to these ridiculous wars of aggression. Of course myself and many others saw right through him and knew that he would be just as bad as McCain and the republicans. But the peace movement supported him and he, as every "pro-peace" candidate before him, won the election and the presidency.

Now what would happen in his first few days of his first term? This.

Obama betrayed his supporters and the world by authorizing his first murder. Of course this behavior would continue with bombings, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a "closing" of Guantanamo (which still remains open, and if it was closed the prisoners would just be moved to other secret prisons), torture, rendition, etc. etc.

And what has the anti-war left done? Unfortunately, nothing. They remain silent. has deemed it unnecessary to protest war now that a democrat is in charge of them. They have "moved on" to trying to get universal healthcare passed.

Judging by the number of anti-war protests that there are these days, one would think that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and the attacks in Pakistan) are all over. Unfortunately, they are continuing with no end in sight. Bush's wars have now become Obama's wars and the only difference is that everyone seems to be okay with the bloodshed now.

The Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to Obama is the epitome of this attitude. Yes he did promote peace during his campaign, but talking shouldn't win you awards (unless it is some sort of public speaking or debate award). Actions should win you awards.

There is of course the little fact that nominations had to be sent in by February 1, giving Obama just enough time to order some attacks in Pakistan and.... actually I think that's about it.

So I will wrap this up with a call to action of any lovers of peace out there. Please, PLEASE end this idiocy and not congratulate, support, or sit idly by as murder and bloodshed gets rewarded with Nobel Peace Prizes. As George Orwell wrote in his scarily prophetic novel "1984", "WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." How (sadly) true that is today.

Here are some great related articles. The first written by my friend Norman Horn on his website, and the second was posted on

Yours in Liberty,


1 comment:

  1. It cheapens the award. I think I'm up for a Nobel Prize for Sky Diving next year cause I discussed it with Jeff today. Obama has done nothing. He has improved international relations, but compared to's not that hard to improve. It's like a pee-wee hockey team losing a game and then turning it around by substituting Mario Lemuix for their center. It's too easy.
